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Gambling Positive And Negative Effects

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  • Length: 6 pages
  • Sources: 6
  • Subject: Family and Marriage
  • Type: Essay
  • Paper: #84178636
  • Related Topics: Effects Of Divorce, Borderline Personality Disorder, Effects Of Divorce On Children, Family And Medical Leave Act

Excerpt from Essay :


Negative Effects of Video Games. Most of the bad effects of video games are blamed on the violence they contain. Children who play more violent video games are more likely to have increased aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and decreased prosocial helping, according to a scientific study (Anderson & Bushman, 2001).

The negative effects of gambling have been researched, touted, published and spewed forth from the mouths of researchers and do-gooders for decades, yet there has been an astonishing lack of research accomplished on the positive aspects of gambling influences on modern society (or even past societies for that matter). The reason behind such paucity might be that there are no positive aspects to gambling and that it leads to a plethora of problems that have negative connotations written all over them. On the other hand, it could also be that researchers have just not taken the time or made the effort to determine the positive aspects primarily because it is so easy to see the negative over the positive. This lack of effort on the researcher's part could also be that they do not wish to be seen personally commending an act that so many others find reprehensible.

Labor impacts include gambling effects on work, such as changes in productivity, absenteeism, reduced performance, inability to work, job gains and losses, and unemployment. Health and well-being impacts include the effects that gambling has on physical, psychological, and social health and well-being. Negative Effects of Gambling. The negative effects of gambling can destroy the entire family. What starts as fun at the casino, or a night out with the boys becomes a living nightmare. Lies, manipulation, lack of trust – and after it's over - remorse - all the promises Never to do it again.until the next time. Sadly, an addiction to gambling is not the only potential side-effect with an addiction to binge-eating, shopping, and even sex also listed. In a positive step, warnings on packs of antidepressants. The social impacts of gambling generally consist of a long list of mostly negative impacts that are often attributed to disordered gam- blers. These negative social effects may include bankruptcy, crime, personal health issues, and family problems such as divorce, among other problems. Economic Impacts. Webeginbyreviewingthemoremeasurableeconomicimpacts of the casino industry.1These include employment and wages, government tax revenues, consumer benefits, industry compe- tition, and economic.

Yet, gambling (or as some call it 'gaming') continues to grow and thrive in America today. A recent report determined that there are over 53 million American gamblers, that is defined by the industry as 'folks who have gone gambling more than five times in a given year' (Nealon 465). Based on the current population of the United States, 53 million is over 26% of the adult population. Great Britain has an even higher incidence of gambling with some reports stating the 71% of Britain's adult males and 67% of Britain's adult females gamble at least one time per month. What is really troublesome about these figures is highlighted by another recent study that determined that 'for every individual with a gambling problem it is estimated that somewhere between five and seventeen other individuals are adversely affected by it' (Valentine, Hughes 275).
What the study did not find was whether those same individuals who are adversely affected by the problem gambler are also positively affected when the gambler wins (assuming that he or she wins at least once in a while).
A 2006 review of gambling found that the most common problems reported by a gambler's family include the fact that he or she loses household and personal funds, gambling initiates arguments, causes anger and violence, is at the root of lies, deception and neglect of family members, negatively affects the gambler's personal relationships, leads to poor communication and a confusion of family roles and responsibilities and can lead to other destructive behaviors and addictions (Kalischuk, Nowatzki, Cardwell, Klein, and Solowoniuk 2006) while another survey found that amongst problem gamblers 'divorce and separation are common' (Orford, Wardle, Griffiths, Sproston, Erens 259).
All of the above mentioned problems are very negative when taken out of context. When one looks at them as integral parts of society, a different picture can emerge. First of all, gambling creates jobs. This is true in that the gambling industry in America now legally employees hundreds of thousands of individuals. Each of these employees pays taxes, hence revenue to the government (local, state and federal) are enhanced by income from productive employees. The economies of many local communities thrive on the taxes generated through nearby casinos and gambling institutions; without the gambling halls, places such as Mesquite, Nevada would not be the thriving communities that they are. It is not just the casinos and gambling halls that provide jobs, however. Based upon the 'destructive behaviors and addictions' found by Kalischuk et al., one could see a vibrant community of doctors, therapists, specialists, psychologists and psychiatrists whose main source of income is derived through the active treatment of those individuals with gambling problems.
It has been found that 'somewhere between five and seventeen other individuals are adversely affected' by family members who gamble, but what about the people who are helping these gamblers; aren't they positively affected by gamblers? Although a research of literature could not uncover any figures that would support the thesis, it would be interesting to determine exactly how many positively affected individuals there are as compared to negatively affected individuals.

Another source of contention would be two studies conducted by Lorenz and Yaffee. These two researchers found that '86% of spouses contemplated leaving the gambling spouse and 29% did separate from the problem gambler' (Lorenz % Yaffee 1988) and that '59% of problem gamblers considered separating from their partners and this did occur in a third' (Lorenz & Yaffee 1986). If one were to look at the Lorena and Yaffee findings in a negative manner, one would lament the fact that
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so many problem gamblers consider, and leave, their spouse. Looked at in a positive manner, however, one could say that there are many divorce attorneys living in communities adjacent to cities such as Las Vegas, and that many of these attorneys make a very good living off the misfortunes of those who concentrate more on their gambling habits than on taking care of their families. One could also say that an individual who acted in such a manner, did not really deserve to be a father, mother or family member in the first place. Hence, let them gamble. If they wish to ruin their own lives, and the lives of their loved ones, that is their choice, and there will always be some other individuals that will benefit from such choices.
One could even take a hard core attitude towards the family members who are adversely affected by the gambler's actions by correctly discerning that there are no such things as adverse effects. Spouses and children who go hungry, or are without clothes or shelter due to the wasteful and destructive nature of the gambler become stronger individuals through having to live through such adversities. If they do not become stronger, then they too can become problems to society and therefore will also be a negative influence on their families and loved ones as well. This is not a negative aspect to gambling; remember there are other (more intelligent) individuals who benefit from the actions of the (not so intelligent) individuals who continue to throw their money away on games of chance.
The recent British Gambling Prevalence Survey (BGPS) revealed 'that there are a number of socio-demographic factors statistically associated with problem gambling; these include; being male, having a parent who was or is a problem gambler, being single, and having a low income (Griffiths, Wardle, Orford, Sproston, Erens 209). If this is true (at least in Great Britain) then it is further evidence that the curse of gambling addiction runs within families anyhow, so attempting to cure these individuals that are afflicted with gambling problems is a long and arduous procedure. Just because it is difficult to do, does not mean that there should be no one that takes the time and effort to do so. After all, there are livings to be made, and incomes to enhance through the travails of others. Helping problem gamblers to overcome their addictions is not a laughing matter. With nearly 26% of the adult population of the United States known to be gamblers, and the current rate of approximately 1% of these to be addicted to gambling, the figures show that even concentrating on helping that one percent means that there are over a half a million individuals who need counseling and treatment. This is a good number; it is a number that allows for a lot of professionals to make a lot of money.
Other negative aspects that have been connected to gambling include smoking, drinking and poor health. The Griffiths et al. study determined that:
(i) cigarette smokers were significantly more likely to gamble in the past year compared to non-smokers,
(ii) cigarette smokers were over three times more likely than non-smokers to be a problem gambler,
(iii) alcohol consumption as measured by the number of units drunk on the person's heaviest drinking day was not significantly associated with having gambled in the past year,
(iv) alcohol consumption as measured by the number of units drank on the person's heaviest drinking day in the past year was significantly associated with problem gambling,
(v) health status was not significantly associated with past year gambling

(vi) the prevalence rate of problem gambling among those with poor health were over three times as likely to be a problem gambler compared to those with good health (208).
This information opens a brand new ball game. Now even more professionals can be induced to assist in caring for, and treating these gamblers.
Gambling positive and negative effects effect
Specialists who help those with drinking and smoking problems, and of course doctors, hospitals and clinics will all benefit financially from proffering assistance to those gamblers who fall into one of the five above categories. Suddenly the positive influence displayed by those who suffer from gambling addictions is becoming much clearer. The five to seventeen people who are adversely affected by the gambler's actions may be equaled to the number of people who are positively affected by those same gambler's actions. Additionally, a recent study determined that 'problem gamblers also have increased rates of attention deficit…
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There are many benefits of gambling. Yes, I know that many people will immediately jump up and down and have a hernia in anger at the mere thought of it. But let's look through this with logical eyes. You might learn something new!

Positive And Negative Effects Of Gambling

Introduction: The Benefits of Gambling

When most people think of gambling, if they are not gamblers, then there's gonna be some sort of negative connotation linked to the word. But if you do gamble, then you're already in positive territory. Let's have a look at the many factors that can make gambling an excellent choice for health and happiness.

Physical Health

The health benefits of gambling are pretty obvious. Still, let's go through them for the sake of all those Cassandras and nay-Sayers. First off, if you walk to the betting shop or lottery sales point, then the exercise is already a large plus point. We all know that walking is good for the circulation. Talking of blood, when your in the casino, walking between tables also counts as exercise. Whether you're winning big or losing your house, all that stress will really get the blood pumping. Again, this is a positive thing. Online gambling news says that some games are very good for the co-ordination, whether eye to hand or hand to hand.

Home Finances

Gambling is not just about the losers. There are plenty of winners as well. Unfortunately, the conservative media tend to focus on the sob stories, the huge losses, the shame of spending your kids school dinner money in a slot machine or the suicides from utter despair. But hold on a minute. That's not the whole picture. Just someone with an agenda, and more than probably against gambling. If you don't have much money, but still like to have a flutter, then you'll be needing to trim the expenditure in other parts of your life. This is an excellent means of taking control of your home finances. You're able to plan and also, by living frugally, enjoy a responsible way of life in an ever changing global economy.

None Addictive

These days the word 'addiction' is commonly associated with all forms of gambling. Again, you can thank the media for spreading the meaning around in order to sensationalize the headlines in order to sell more papers or get more advertising or more clicks. Sure, there are bound to be a percentage of folks who love to gamble just a little too much. Like wise, there are woman who spend all their money on fancy shoes. If you only have a hammer, then every problem starts to look like a nail. Just because we might go overboard once in a while doesn't mean we need such labels. They are hurtful and unnecessary. Online gambling sites in the US understand this point and you'll never see this awful and spiteful term used on these.

Mental Health

In truth, the benefits of gambling represent a positive force towards well-being and in particular with regard to mental health. The fact that you often have to make quick and concise choices, which could have huge repercussions on your families financial well being, keeps you alert and sure does make that brain work hard. The choice between wagering your child's inheritance, losing the car or winning a huge life changing jackpot can certainly focus the mind.

Climate Change

We all have a responsibility in how we go about lowering our carbon footprint or generally go about taking care of the environment. It goes without saying, that sitting in a casino, or at home playing online, means that we are, in effect, saving energy. We are not flying by commercial jets, or sitting in a traffic jam. Apart from sleeping, gambling certainly keeps your green credentials looking shiny.

Local Economy

Gambling means money being put back into the local economy. When you win, then you're spending those winnings. And if you put them back into, say a bookmaker or casino, then that money also trickles down into the shops and businesses near by. If we're talking about bricks and mortar gambling businesses, then there are things like construction, maintenance and local employment. In spite of all the talk about the negatives of gambling, this is the reason no one dare ban it.

Old Relationships

We've all been there. Just about to go out the front door and pop down to the betting shop. A voice rings out from the kitchen. 'Where are you off to?' And then the killer line, the words that break a perfectly normal and fruitful relationship: 'I hope you're not going down the betting shop?' Or the gambling fortune teller. Remember that the bitch married you for richer or poorer. It's none of her business how you spend your hard earned money. You could choose to gamble on line with Bovada. But the real problem, in particular with regard to wives, is that they are too close. They care about you and your well being. But that's the very opposite of what you need, which is space. The time and the freedom to make the right choices.

Gambling Positive And Negative Effects Examples

Simplify Your Life

Part of the problem is that, being women, they have limited mental capacity for understanding of how odds work. So they think you're just wasting money. Or thinking short term. They think of the kids and the mortgage payments. About mental health and homelessness. She thinks your gambling is an addiction. But winning by betting requires a strategy, planning and a long term commitment. If, after a couple of back hands she's not willing to understand or give you that much time, then the relationship is done. You don't need any negativity around you when you're gambling.

New Relationships

Gambling Positive And Negative Effects On The Body

Just suppose that you're sitting at the table in a casino. You are losing and losing big. And now think of the opposite scenario. You're at the same table but winning big. Out the corner of your eye you can see a beautiful woman gracefully wafting around the room. Now, when you're losing, you're concentrating on regaining your position. You don't have time for a woman like this. And interestingly enough, she has no time for you. Perfect.

Winner Takes All


Another source of contention would be two studies conducted by Lorenz and Yaffee. These two researchers found that '86% of spouses contemplated leaving the gambling spouse and 29% did separate from the problem gambler' (Lorenz % Yaffee 1988) and that '59% of problem gamblers considered separating from their partners and this did occur in a third' (Lorenz & Yaffee 1986). If one were to look at the Lorena and Yaffee findings in a negative manner, one would lament the fact that
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so many problem gamblers consider, and leave, their spouse. Looked at in a positive manner, however, one could say that there are many divorce attorneys living in communities adjacent to cities such as Las Vegas, and that many of these attorneys make a very good living off the misfortunes of those who concentrate more on their gambling habits than on taking care of their families. One could also say that an individual who acted in such a manner, did not really deserve to be a father, mother or family member in the first place. Hence, let them gamble. If they wish to ruin their own lives, and the lives of their loved ones, that is their choice, and there will always be some other individuals that will benefit from such choices.
One could even take a hard core attitude towards the family members who are adversely affected by the gambler's actions by correctly discerning that there are no such things as adverse effects. Spouses and children who go hungry, or are without clothes or shelter due to the wasteful and destructive nature of the gambler become stronger individuals through having to live through such adversities. If they do not become stronger, then they too can become problems to society and therefore will also be a negative influence on their families and loved ones as well. This is not a negative aspect to gambling; remember there are other (more intelligent) individuals who benefit from the actions of the (not so intelligent) individuals who continue to throw their money away on games of chance.
The recent British Gambling Prevalence Survey (BGPS) revealed 'that there are a number of socio-demographic factors statistically associated with problem gambling; these include; being male, having a parent who was or is a problem gambler, being single, and having a low income (Griffiths, Wardle, Orford, Sproston, Erens 209). If this is true (at least in Great Britain) then it is further evidence that the curse of gambling addiction runs within families anyhow, so attempting to cure these individuals that are afflicted with gambling problems is a long and arduous procedure. Just because it is difficult to do, does not mean that there should be no one that takes the time and effort to do so. After all, there are livings to be made, and incomes to enhance through the travails of others. Helping problem gamblers to overcome their addictions is not a laughing matter. With nearly 26% of the adult population of the United States known to be gamblers, and the current rate of approximately 1% of these to be addicted to gambling, the figures show that even concentrating on helping that one percent means that there are over a half a million individuals who need counseling and treatment. This is a good number; it is a number that allows for a lot of professionals to make a lot of money.
Other negative aspects that have been connected to gambling include smoking, drinking and poor health. The Griffiths et al. study determined that:
(i) cigarette smokers were significantly more likely to gamble in the past year compared to non-smokers,
(ii) cigarette smokers were over three times more likely than non-smokers to be a problem gambler,
(iii) alcohol consumption as measured by the number of units drunk on the person's heaviest drinking day was not significantly associated with having gambled in the past year,
(iv) alcohol consumption as measured by the number of units drank on the person's heaviest drinking day in the past year was significantly associated with problem gambling,
(v) health status was not significantly associated with past year gambling
(vi) the prevalence rate of problem gambling among those with poor health were over three times as likely to be a problem gambler compared to those with good health (208).
This information opens a brand new ball game. Now even more professionals can be induced to assist in caring for, and treating these gamblers.
Specialists who help those with drinking and smoking problems, and of course doctors, hospitals and clinics will all benefit financially from proffering assistance to those gamblers who fall into one of the five above categories. Suddenly the positive influence displayed by those who suffer from gambling addictions is becoming much clearer. The five to seventeen people who are adversely affected by the gambler's actions may be equaled to the number of people who are positively affected by those same gambler's actions. Additionally, a recent study determined that 'problem gamblers also have increased rates of attention deficit…
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There are many benefits of gambling. Yes, I know that many people will immediately jump up and down and have a hernia in anger at the mere thought of it. But let's look through this with logical eyes. You might learn something new!

Positive And Negative Effects Of Gambling

Introduction: The Benefits of Gambling

When most people think of gambling, if they are not gamblers, then there's gonna be some sort of negative connotation linked to the word. But if you do gamble, then you're already in positive territory. Let's have a look at the many factors that can make gambling an excellent choice for health and happiness.

Physical Health

The health benefits of gambling are pretty obvious. Still, let's go through them for the sake of all those Cassandras and nay-Sayers. First off, if you walk to the betting shop or lottery sales point, then the exercise is already a large plus point. We all know that walking is good for the circulation. Talking of blood, when your in the casino, walking between tables also counts as exercise. Whether you're winning big or losing your house, all that stress will really get the blood pumping. Again, this is a positive thing. Online gambling news says that some games are very good for the co-ordination, whether eye to hand or hand to hand.

Home Finances

Gambling is not just about the losers. There are plenty of winners as well. Unfortunately, the conservative media tend to focus on the sob stories, the huge losses, the shame of spending your kids school dinner money in a slot machine or the suicides from utter despair. But hold on a minute. That's not the whole picture. Just someone with an agenda, and more than probably against gambling. If you don't have much money, but still like to have a flutter, then you'll be needing to trim the expenditure in other parts of your life. This is an excellent means of taking control of your home finances. You're able to plan and also, by living frugally, enjoy a responsible way of life in an ever changing global economy.

None Addictive

These days the word 'addiction' is commonly associated with all forms of gambling. Again, you can thank the media for spreading the meaning around in order to sensationalize the headlines in order to sell more papers or get more advertising or more clicks. Sure, there are bound to be a percentage of folks who love to gamble just a little too much. Like wise, there are woman who spend all their money on fancy shoes. If you only have a hammer, then every problem starts to look like a nail. Just because we might go overboard once in a while doesn't mean we need such labels. They are hurtful and unnecessary. Online gambling sites in the US understand this point and you'll never see this awful and spiteful term used on these.

Mental Health

In truth, the benefits of gambling represent a positive force towards well-being and in particular with regard to mental health. The fact that you often have to make quick and concise choices, which could have huge repercussions on your families financial well being, keeps you alert and sure does make that brain work hard. The choice between wagering your child's inheritance, losing the car or winning a huge life changing jackpot can certainly focus the mind.

Climate Change

We all have a responsibility in how we go about lowering our carbon footprint or generally go about taking care of the environment. It goes without saying, that sitting in a casino, or at home playing online, means that we are, in effect, saving energy. We are not flying by commercial jets, or sitting in a traffic jam. Apart from sleeping, gambling certainly keeps your green credentials looking shiny.

Local Economy

Gambling means money being put back into the local economy. When you win, then you're spending those winnings. And if you put them back into, say a bookmaker or casino, then that money also trickles down into the shops and businesses near by. If we're talking about bricks and mortar gambling businesses, then there are things like construction, maintenance and local employment. In spite of all the talk about the negatives of gambling, this is the reason no one dare ban it.

Old Relationships

We've all been there. Just about to go out the front door and pop down to the betting shop. A voice rings out from the kitchen. 'Where are you off to?' And then the killer line, the words that break a perfectly normal and fruitful relationship: 'I hope you're not going down the betting shop?' Or the gambling fortune teller. Remember that the bitch married you for richer or poorer. It's none of her business how you spend your hard earned money. You could choose to gamble on line with Bovada. But the real problem, in particular with regard to wives, is that they are too close. They care about you and your well being. But that's the very opposite of what you need, which is space. The time and the freedom to make the right choices.

Gambling Positive And Negative Effects Examples

Simplify Your Life

Part of the problem is that, being women, they have limited mental capacity for understanding of how odds work. So they think you're just wasting money. Or thinking short term. They think of the kids and the mortgage payments. About mental health and homelessness. She thinks your gambling is an addiction. But winning by betting requires a strategy, planning and a long term commitment. If, after a couple of back hands she's not willing to understand or give you that much time, then the relationship is done. You don't need any negativity around you when you're gambling.

New Relationships

Gambling Positive And Negative Effects On The Body

Just suppose that you're sitting at the table in a casino. You are losing and losing big. And now think of the opposite scenario. You're at the same table but winning big. Out the corner of your eye you can see a beautiful woman gracefully wafting around the room. Now, when you're losing, you're concentrating on regaining your position. You don't have time for a woman like this. And interestingly enough, she has no time for you. Perfect.

Winner Takes All

But when you're winning, man is she there by your side in the blink of an eye? Yep, because you're a winner in all things at that point. It's like the universe is conspiring to make all the good stuff happen to you. Just go with it. And remember; you're pulling those hot chicks cause you're a God at the roulette table. You're the ruler in the land of Black Jack. Those slot machines bow down before you. A never ending stream of wins on Bovada. With gambling you can have it all!

The Benefits of Gambling: Conclusion

Gambling Positive And Negative Effects Effect

So there you have it. Thinking rationally about gambling and it's positive effects for a change. And try and keep in mind the mantra, that when you're losing, it's just a phase. You just gotta remain positive and keep going. Borrow, beg or steal money. Sell everything. Or follow these tips. At some point the stars will align. And at that point, you'll realize that all that debt, all those lost friends and relationships, all those broken promises, all that begging and stealing was worth it. You persevered. Kept your faith. And so you were rewarded. To that end, in all senses, you are a true winner!

Gambling Positive And Negative Effects Definition

To read other latest news please check online gambling news page.

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